Monday, July 25, 2016

The Worst Breakfast Foods to Eat

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it's crucial to fuel your body with the proper energy to get you motivated. Many of us are guilty of eating on the run, which results in poor food choices that could find us snacking on junk food only a couple of hours later. Staying educated about the best food choices for breakfast ensures that you'll do the right thing as a habit, even when you're on automatic pilot in the morning.


Stay away from sugary cereals. While they may give you fond memories of years past, sugar is notorious for adding inches to your waistline. Though you feel temporarily hyped up, sugar burns quickly and will cause you to crash only a couple hours after eating. This leads to the vicious cycle of reaching for the junk food prior to lunch time, destined to repeat the same thing that happened with your morning meal. Achieving quick weight loss is impossible with too much sugar in your diet. Sugar drains energy fast. Just say no to any cereal your kids rave about. Instead, try a whole grain cereal that's high in dietary fiber. This will leave you feeling full longer without the crash and burn you get from other cereals.

Since carbohydrates are sugar, cut these out for maximum effect. Carbs do the same thing as the refined sugar you find in cheap cereals. This means staying away from the donut shop and those cute pastries you buy with your coffee. Even breads, which are not as high in sugar, can have the same effect.

If you crave something sweet in the morning, try mixing sliced fresh fruit in yogurt. The sugar in fruit doesn't break down as quickly as refined sugar does, meaning your body will not get the same surge as it does from a donut or pastry. If you're constantly on the go, try a protein shake.

Be careful what you put in your coffee. Drinking coffee itself is not as dangerous as the things you add to it. Stay away from using heavy creams, flavored syrups or heaps of sugar. There are many tasty substitutes available today including fat-free milk, soy milk, raw sugar, sugar-free syrups and flavored powders. If someone makes it for you, be sure to request these items. Many of them taste a little different, but you will get used to them quickly. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant, so avoid drinking too much as you will experience a crash similar to that of sugar.

We all know how important it is to make sensible choices for our diet not only at breakfast, but throughout the entire day. If appetite is a problem, there are many natural appetite suppressants such as hoodia available to help you through those times when cravings are at their highest. Don't forget to exercise, too.

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Foods to Avoid - Poor Breakfast Choices

When attempting weight loss, a lot of folks think that skipping breakfast will save them some calories. They would rather save them so later in the day they can eat some fat and calorie laden treat that they would rather have. But, these food choices probably fall in the category of foods to avoid.


The biggest mistake you can make is to skip breakfast. After a night of sleep, your body needs some good nutrition as it has gone its longest without eating in a twenty four hour period. So, having something healthy to eat before running out the door in the morning is a must. However, there are some breakfast foods to avoid. You need to be aware of three types of foods that will cause weight gain.

The first foods to avoid category is low fat foods. They are usually advertised as a low fat food as there main selling point. You have to realize that the term low fat should never be associated with health food. An avocado is extremely healthy, but is loaded with fat: a very healthy fat that the cells of your body need.

When a food that's advertised as a low fat breakfast food attracts your interest, be sure to read the ingredient label. Foods that lack healthy fats are usually devoid of flavor. So, in order to make up for that, the food manufacturers add sugar, lots of sugar. That low fat food can actually lead to weight gain because of all that sugar.

Another category of breakfast foods to avoid is certain breakfast cereals. Again, when choosing any kind of cereal, you have to look at the label very closely to see what is really in the box. If you see huge amounts of sugar, you will want to avoid that brand. Commercial breakfast cereals are really a poor breakfast choice! They are typically over processed and devoid of real nutrition. A better choice would be plain oatmeal. Don't buy the instant stuff! Get the steel cut oats, organic if you can. Take the time to boil some water and simmer them for five minutes. Add some fruit, cinnamon, or honey if you want the oats to be sweeter. Now that's a good breakfast choice!

And finally, don't fall for choosing the breakfast muffin over a donut, or worse. Thinking a muffin is a healthier choice can be a big mistake. It can contain as much fat and sugar as the donut, it's just not deep fried. A store bought muffin, one that is loaded with fat and sugar, can contain as many as four hundred calories.

You must eat breakfast every day! But, be sure to eat breakfast at home! Choose foods like organic eggs, yogurt, fruit, organic oatmeal, or sprouted grain toast with nut butter. These are the kinds of foods that get your day off to a great start! And choose organic varieties of these foods as much as you can afford to!

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Healthy Living Through Workout Routines And A Nutritious Diet

Small everyday changes to a person's eating habits and exercise rituals can make differences to both general health and body weight. Workout routines can be as simple as walking to work instead of taking the car or using the stairs in your home as an aid.

Workout Routines

More adventurous people will opt to join a gym. This can offer more strenuous options for exercise as well as membership plans that will suit most incomes and schedules. There is the option to exercise alone with no assistance or join workout classes such as aerobics and spinning. Gyms also have dedicated personal trainers who will provide assistance, motivations and goals for physical improvement and weight loss.

For a healthy body and significant weight loss, exercise should be accompanied by healthy eating and eating the correct foods at the correct times. Eating an oat based cereal for breakfast is a great way of providing energy for a morning workout. Ideally food should not be eaten within the hour before exercise is taken. If the person is planning on eating a large meal before exercise this should be consumed at least three hours before exercise. It can be beneficial however to eat small amounts of low fat foods such as a banana during exercise.

Rice and pasta are a fantastic source of energy for workout routines as they are high in carbohydrates which supply energy, released slowly throughout the period of exercise. Five portions of fruit or vegetables should be consumed daily as they are both low in fat and high in essential nutrients. Foods high in sugar such as chocolate should be avoided or consumed at the most occasionally.

Another important part of a healthy diet is water. Drinking plenty of water can also aid weight loss when combined with a healthy diet. Water should be drank before a workout routine and at least 200ml should be consumed for every fifteen minutes of exercise. Enough water should be taken if a person is to undergo a long walk, run or bicycle ride.

For those who want faster results without a regular outlay of cash consider DVDs as the cheap and convenient alternative to gym memberships. Celebrity workout DVDs are readily available and offer someone the opportunity to exercise at home. Care should be taken however to select a DVD that does not exceed the individuals athletic ability. Consideration should also be given to the room and space within the home.

Gaming consoles also provide a fun and interactive way of getting fit. Many software packages record the progress of the individual and can offer the user advice on improving fitness. Goals can be set and the fun element of this form of workout routine can have motivational benefits.

Lifestyle changes rather than fad diets and short term workout routines will result in long term weight loss that is sustainable. A combination of healthy eating and moderate exercise are essential. Moderate exercise for a minimum of thirty minutes per day and avoiding fatty and high sugar foods will deliver steady and consistent weight loss as well as a healthier body in general.

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